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The Manifestation of the Spirit by D.M. Lloyd-Jones

“To Each One Is Given The Manifestation Of The Spirit For The Common Good” (1 Cor.12:7) Food For Thought from D. M. Lloyd-Jones There is also this whole question of the exercise of gifts in the church. I mentioned our ex-Exclusive Brethren this morning and I did so deliberately in order that...

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Jon Zens’ Powerful New Book

Posted by Radical Resurgence | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on 19-01-2014


Jon Zens has just released a new book entitled, 58-0: How Christ Leads Through the One-Anothers


There is a serious need for Christians today to understand their true identity as members of the priesthood who minister to one another as the N.T. affirms. This book couldn’t be more necessary or timely for the Church today. A definite “must read” for every follower of Jesus.

—Keith Giles, California, author of The Power of Weakness and “This Is My Body”: Ekklesia as God Intended

 Bold, fresh, insightful and provocative. A treasure chest of light on the church. This is perhaps Jon’s best work yet.

—Frank Viola, author of God’s Favorite Place on Earth, frankviola.org

Finally, a book for all believers about the beauty, worth, and high place of the church in the life of a saint. No denominational favoritism here. Instead, Jon and Graham move beyond centuries of division and factions to help God’s people understand the lovely simplicity of what it means to be the church. From the very start, the authors’ premises and passions are evident. Jon’s inimitable style combines a likeably direct, no-nonsense approach to church life that offers much practical guidance to the subject. 58 to 0 is a definitive must for every Christian who is serious about sharing life in the Body of Christ.

—Dr. Stephanie Bennett, Florida, professor of Communication at Palm Beach Atlantic University, and author of Communicating Love, and two works of fiction, Within the Walls, and Breaking the Silence

In 58 to 0, I see the heart and soul of Jon’s writings since I first met him in 1979. I firmly believe that believers will see in this book the heart and soul of Christ. As a historian, I agree with Jon that a radical shift took place in the Churches view of leadership and authority early in the second century. What was once the work of the Holy Spirit became the duty of a special class of leaders, separated in kind from the laity. I grew up in Africa and had the privilege on several occasions of seeing first-century body life in the first believers in a community. I also witnessed the intrusion of the “organized” church, which replaced the “one-another” relationships that were occurring organically, with a structured authority. Jon, in 58 to 0, has articulated the best description of what I saw in my childhood in Africa, and what I yearn to see in all of Christ’s people. I urge folks to put down what else they may be reading, and read this book. I have little doubt that an honest wrestling with the themes in the book will result in new paradigms, and a new appreciation for the person and work of Christ. I think this is the most important book that Jon has written.

—Skeeter Wilson, Washington author of Worthless People and the forthcoming Crossing Rivers

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