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“That You All Agree” (1 Cor.1:10): Discernment, Dialogue & De

Decision-making. It cannot be without significance that in both cases where Jesus used the term “church” (ekklesia), the concept of “binding/loosing” was connected to it (Matt.16:18; 18:17). John Yoder summarises some key aspects and implications of this ‘‘binding/loosing” function in the...

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The Resurgence

Posted by Radical Resurgence | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on 05-04-2023


The Radical Resurgence is dedicated to the radical wing of the Reformation, which is experiencing a resurgence in our time. Articles written by those who resonate with the resurgence, present and past, will be featured.

The whole concern of Reformation theology was to justify restructuring the organized church without shaking its foundations. – John Howard Yoder

The church’s future lies with the left wing of the Reformation. – Jurgen Moltmann

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